5 Tips For Great School Website Design

5 Tips For Great School Website Design

Having great visuals and content on your website can be the advantage that you get over other schools. Having a website will help you to be more than a school that provides some major information. But, the website must be built in a way to impress new parents for admitting their children into your school. When it comes to building a great school website it is best to consider a professional like Techasoft. Given below are some of the tips that are excellent for school website design,

First of all, you need to consider the OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) and auditor,

If you are making a website you must understand that you will need to have at least 17 standard pages which include the following, 

1) School contact details

2) Admission arrangements

3) OFSTED reports

4) Exam and assessment results

5) Performance tables

6) Curriculum

7) Behaviour policy

8) School complaints procedure

9) Pupil premium

10) Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium

11) PE and sport premium for primary schools

12) Special educational needs (SEN) and disability information

13) Equality objectives

14) Governor’s information and duties

15) Charging and remissions policies

16) Values and ethos

17) Requests for paper copies

Therefore, you must keep in mind that you have content for all of the above listed pages are ready. You can have some nice graphics along with the nature of your school on all the pages. 

Make sure that you have a clear idea about what kind of message you want to spread about your school,

Content plays an important role in all kinds of sectors, and when content is good along with visual images it will make your website look better. Almost for the designing time, you will be searching for better content for your website. If you have a great designer by your side then this problem can be solved very easily and you will be able to make a great website. A Perfect combination of a great written message on a page along with some high-quality graphics and video elements will help you get to the top of this game.

Research and then choose a design for your website,

Every design of your website will define how much you care about parents and how dedicated you are to the students of your school. A great website design company can easily find the best thing about you and then you can have great results by focusing on design. If you are looking for getting more students then you will want to show the success stories of how well your students and teaching staff have performed in the last years. Most of the sites go down by being fashionable and break from convention however it might not be the best thing, and you will need to do something better than dress to stand out from the competition. You should also consider things like mobile responsiveness, and it should be very easy to navigate for a normal user. However, ensure that you have a better website developer that can create a website that will be best for your school.

Try to save as much time as you can,

The perfect website saves a lot of time and resources. You must understand that it is the hardest part to initiate the building process of documents. The documents need to be very detailed and exactly how you want your website working and how you would like your website in front of users. The more information you provide to your website development company, the better website you will get. 

Always try to do what's better for your school,

Doing better is the best tip ever, and you will always need to keep this in your mind. Doing something better is an asset to your website, and it will also help your school grow faster and have a better reach to the people.

Wrapping Up

These are some of the best tips that you can keep in mind while designing a website for your school. Techasoft has helped many schools to build their website effectively and efficiently. You can get in touch with our contact us page.

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