Best Ways To Increase Your Lead Conversion Rate Right Now

Best Ways To Increase Your Lead Conversion Rate Right Now

If you have a good conversion rate then you will get a higher website ranking. If your website has a good conversion rate, it is the perfect foundation for achieving high sales volume.

How To Increase Conversion

It is difficult to convert leads into paying customers. Because it demands a  lot of strategies and techniques. With the help of the right strategy, you can easily increase your lead conversion to a certain level. So what can you do about it? Here is a list of the top effective ways to increase conversion rate, earn potential leads, and boost your revenue.

Practice Lead Nurturing

A lead nurturing program takes all the leads you caught through downloads, web forums, blogs, subscriptions, etc. If you get a segmented list of potential leads, you can create targeted content to convert them into sales. Ensure that you are following best practices for lead nurturing.

Use A Lead Scoring System

A lead scoring system is the best way to scale and quantify your targeting requirements. If you follow the lead scoring system, you can visibly see an increase in the percentage of qualified leads. When your lead score reaches a certain limit, it is passed to sales for follow-up.

Connect Your CRM And Marketing Automation Platform

Two-way integration between your marketing automation platform (MAP) and your CRM database can help your company to maintain a unified pipeline. It let the sales team notice where leads originated, how they are qualified, and how long they’ve been on life.

Capture The Accurate Lead Information

Take a glance at your various lead entry points including landing pages, gated downloads, web forms, and more. Make sure that you are getting the perfect information about each lead. Mostly, web forms have three to five fields, so ask your questions wisely.

Run Data Verification

A survey shows that about 40 percent of all B2B leads suffer from poor data quality. The poor data quality may result from duplicated data, invalid formatting, failed email verification, and more. Run a data verification to ensure that you are catching quality data.

Add A Pop-up To Your Site

Shopify popup can bring a high conversion rate for your business. As per a study done by Sumo, the average conversion rate for all pop-ups is 3.09 percent. If you keep a 30-second delay timer on the pop-up, this will irritate your users. Set a cookie so the pop-up only shows once per user.

Remove Unnecessary Form Fields

When you fill out an online form, you will notice too many required fields. This will simply kill your conversion rate. Hence, remove all unnecessary form fields to facilitate seamless flow to your users. Keep only the mandatory fields to improve conversion rates.

Add Testimonials, Reviews, And Logos

Having testimonials, reviews, and logos on your website can help to drive more organic traffic. Reviews from your past customers can build credibility and boost conversion rates. Social proof can create a remarkable impact on your revenue generation.

Remove Distractions

Your landing page needs to be precise, clear, and easy to navigate. Don’t include unnecessary features to your website.  Add headline tags, benefits, features, and images to build trust among the audience. Include live chat box, video, and social proof.

Make The Initial Step Really Easy

Normally, people prefer to finish things that they start. When you offer something to the user, the first step needs to be extremely simple to complete. Instead of asking for a lot of forms to be filled out. Simply ask an email address or phone number to start. 

Add A Third-party Signup Service

Alternative logins are the best way to get inside into the website. You can provide logins using signup services such as Facebook, Google, or another account. This will create a positive impact on your conversion rate.

Go For Purchased Leads

It is a common practice for B2B companies to buy leads from a third-party. Most big companies use a mix of generated and purchased leads. If you are struggling to bring quality leads on your own, you can partner with a company that accommodates your targeting requirements.

Strengthen Your CTA Copy

Common CTAs like sign up and start trial would not offer you the best conversion rates. We suggest you design a CTA button that starts with the word “Yes.” it will bring many benefits for you. It works better than a generic CTA copy.

Add Live Chat To Your Site

Live chat tools are the perfect option for helping others. It is very easy to add to any site and create a positive impact on your conversion rate.


Implement the above way to increase your conversion rates. You need to calculate your conversion rate to find the performance of your website. You need to analyze why visitors are not converting to your site to improve better.

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