List Of Top 20 Question & Answer Websites 2022

List Of Top 20 Question & Answer Websites 2022

Question and Answer websites are another off-page optimization activity in SEO. Using question and answer sites, you can get more organic traffic. You can do so by participating in the best question and answer websites on the Internet. There are a number of widely used platforms for people to discover new information on a variety of topics. They act like search engines – returning We have sorted out the list of top 20 question and answer websites 2022 based on the of traffic each website receives. Here is our list of rankings for the Top 20 question and answer websites based on the number of estimated unique visitors received. They are:

  • Answers.Com:

It is agreed as the most visited and popular Q&AWebsite. This Q&A platform having tens of millions of user-generated questions and answers.

  • StackExchange.Com:

Being considered as the #2 most Popular Question and Answer Website, you can get answers to almost all your queries.

  • Quora.Com:

It is the third most popular question and answer website providing the best answer to any question.

  • Ask.Fm:

It ranks #4 in the most popular Q&A Website where users can create profiles and can send each other questions and allows users to post anonymous comments and questions to a person's profile.

  • Superuser.Com:

It begs the spot of the #5 most popular Q&A Website for computer enthusiasts and power users.

  • Researchgate.Net:

It stands at #6 in the most popular Q&A website and is a science and research-based network to connect, collaborate and discover scientific publications, jobs, and conferences for free. It has over 80 million publications, 9 million researchers, and 1 million answers to research questions to its credit.

  • Informationvine.Com:

Informationvine.Com is the 7th most popular Q&A Website and a great resource to get an answer for a question that requires particular expertise.

  • Howstuffworks.Com:

It is the 8th most popular Q&A Website. Being an award-winning site it has10 channels: Auto, Computer, Electronics, Entertainment, Health, Home, Money, People, Science, and Travel covering thousands of topics.

  • English.Stackexchange.Com:

The 9th Popular Q&A website that is beneficial for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts at free of cost.

  • Askubuntu.Com:

The 10th in the popular Q&A site is Ask Ubuntu. It is originally meant for Ubuntu users and developers at 100% free of cost. It just needs signing up and ask a question.

  • Sitepoint.Com:

It is the12th most popular Q&A site having tutorials, books, and courses – HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, PHP, mobile app development, and responsive web design. You can easily learn web design & development here.

  • Gaming.Stackexchange.Com:

It is the 13th most visited Q&A site for passionate videogamers on all platforms to can ask the question and get answers.

  • Apple.Stackexchange.Com:

In #14 is Apple.Stackexchange and is for users of Apple hardware and software at 100% free.

  • Serverfault.Com:

On the #15 rank is Serverfault providing answers for system and network administrators.

  • Wolframalpha.Com:

It is the #16 Most Popular Question and Answer Website. Its function is more than a search engine since it also includes giving access to the world’s facts and data and calculates answers across a range of topics - nutrition, history, geography, science, engineering, mathematics, linguistics, finance, music, sports, etc.

  • Loc.Gov:

It is considered as the #17 Most Popular Q&A site where you can get Global Reference Network Questions answered from the Library of Congress.

  • Wikibooks.Org:

It is the #18 very popular Q&A site. It is a Wikimedia community that focuses on creating a free library of educational textbooks that can be edited by anyone.

  • Gotquestions.Org:

The #19 most popular Q&A site where Bible questions are answered in a fast and accurate way to all your Bible Questions.

  • Ehow.Com:

The #20 most visited Q&A site is where you can find expert advice and instructions along with How To videos and articles on numerous topics like cooking, art, and crafts, etc. One can learn how to do just about everything here. 

Benefits of the Question and Answer Site

Getting backlinks from high authority Q&A sites is a great way to spread brand awareness in the market. Start using these sites to post as many questions and answers so that visitors are directed to your website from Q&A sites. They will find relevant answers to read and expand their knowledge. Interacting continuously on these sites, you will be able to get 5 to 10 backlinks every month. Continue to post frequently to generate more backlinks from Q&A sites. The many benefits of using Q&A sites are given below.

  • Large-scale audience interaction:

If you have an accurate answer with a URL to your site then it is a superfast way to attract a large audience to your brand.

  • Facilitates niche-appropriate communities:

It gives you a chance to be part of the largest communities of your niche that will help you to get target customers easily.

  • SEO improvement:

The q&a sites are informational sites where spammy activities are not allowed. Backlinks from these quality sites will enable your site to achieve higher rankings in SERPs.

  • 100% free to use:

The question and answer sites above are free to use.

  • Knowledge sharing:

These sites are an appropriate way to get solutions to problems. By just posting your question on any of these sites mentioned in the list of Q&A websites you can get solutions from the most knowledgeable people in the industry.

  • Profile improvement:

Trust and credibility of users in your brand will increase if you’re consistent with questions and answers on these sites. Thus, your business profile will be enhanced.

  • Content improvement strategy: 

Along with improving SEO with a question-answer website list you can strengthen your content strategy, brand awareness, relationships with prospects and collaborators, and brand development in your industry.

Final Verdict

We have listed the high DA Q&A websites in this article. We hope that it would definitely help you in getting a huge amount of quality referral traffic to your site. Since it is an amazing off-page SEO activity, this blog post will be useful for improving SEO and overall online brand presence & reputation. You can also share this knowledge with others to guide them in their business and let it grow exponentially.

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