What Is Coding And What Is It Used For?

What Is Coding And What Is It Used For?

“Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.” – Cory House.

So, humor me, friends, because we are talking about code today, or more specifically coding. We’ll begin with a basic understanding of What is Coding and what it is used for. Once you glean a good understanding of these, then maybe you’ll be able to determine if and why you would want to learn to code. 

What impression do you get in your mind when you think ‘Coding?’ To understand it better, open a web page, and view its source code. It will seem like a combination of some words, phrases, tags, punctuation, etc. While some will understand it, to most people it may seem gibberish. If you can make sense of this somewhat gibberish language, congratulations! You most probably have the potential of developing a Coding career. So now that you know you are looking forward to becoming a coder, we’ll get into the details of Coding.

What Is Coding?

Coding or Computer programming (as it is sometimes called), is a set of instructions given to a computer or other devices for that matter, tell them what to do. And thus, while coding may be interpreted as a computer language, it is not exactly that. A Computer is made of several transistors. And it only understands the binary code i.e. a language in the form of 0 and 1. However, it is very difficult for human beings to understand the binary code that computers understand. This is where coding comes in – it is an intermediary or a translator between the human language and computer binary code. Coding is a step removed from binary code, but can still be understood by the computer. Thus, coding is a machine comprehensible language. Also, it is in a format that enables humans to easily comprehend, learn and produce it. Thus, a coder can easily create code for a program/application/software, etc. given – he/she is multilingual and has knowledge of one or more programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C# C++, Python, Ruby, PHP, Scala, Perl, etc. and can use them as and when required.

Now that you understand coding (not to be confused with programming), let’s understand What is coding used for and what are its advantages. If you are to become a coder, you need to have a clear understanding of the scope of coding, in what all places it can be used, etc. Thus, you’ll be aware

What Is Coding Used For?

* All of the computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc. devices run upon the codes developed using computer/programming languages.

* Not only these devices but digital systems varying from simple calculators to smart TVs, all make use of coding.

* Talking about calculators, all the systems that were previously analogs, now make use of computerized systems developed using coding. Thus, using coding we can develop systems that can streamline and carry out procedures such as controlling traffic lights, electrical grids, sewage, etc. This has developed systems that are more reliable and safe, and at the same time much faster.

* The cars today make use of coding to control their various systems including the fuel injectors, air conditioning, clutches, navigation, etc.

These are a few places where coding is used. Truly speaking, coding is required in every phase of today’s world. Also, all the advanced technical fields including machine learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), etc. make use of coding.

How Will A Coding Career Benefit The Coder?

A coder is a person who takes one human language like English/Latin/Spanish/etc., and then translates it into another machine-understandable language like HTML, Python. Thus, if you learn one or more of the programming languages, you can create code. Following is how learning coding and developing a career in it can benefit you -

* Helps you communicate better with computers: Computers and devices can speak only in binary code, coding, on one hand, represents human language to the computer and on the other hand, represents the computer language to humans. Thus, coding knowledge will help you in understanding computers and the technology all around you and how it works.

* You become more digitally literate: Well, this may sound like a minor benefit, but digital literacy in the face of today’s world condition is important. With coding knowledge, you can have a better understanding of technology and will have a better handle on making use of it.

* Improve your Problem-solving capabilities: Programming is about creating solutions for the challenges faced when transmitting data. Coding will thus help you in improving your problem-solving capabilities, and be more creative with it.

* You can create your own website/ application: If you are a business, by learning to code, you can develop a website or application for your business. Even if you are only an individual, you can still create your portfolio website or blog.

* Develop your Coding career: While you can learn coding as a hobby, if you are at the onset of your professional life or even if you are looking for a career change, developing a career out of coding is a good idea. There is an increasingly high demand for coders in Machine learning, cloud services, development, testing, data analytics, etc. fields in the tech market. 

* More earning potential: As we said, there is a high demand for coders. Also, instead of finding a job, you can simply begin your start-up venture. This will be more challenging and have more earning potential. 

* You get more flexibility: While getting hired by tech-giants or beginning your venture is a good option. You can also opt for freelancing, especially if you want for a rather flexible schedule. Thus, if you are rather well versed with coding you can earn more and work for less time as and when you can.

Now that you know what coding is, what’s its scope, what are the advantages of a coding career, you may be wondering How to learn coding? After all, learning coding will be your first step now that you have decided to become a coder. So, let’s get into the details.

How To Learn Coding?

With the technological advancements, learning coding has become easier, or rather there are too many options for you to choose from. Mentioned below are some of them – 

* Websites: There are various websites from which you can learn coding through various – free and paid – courses. Coursera, Codeacademy, Udemy, Khan Academy, edX, Team Treehouse, BitDegree, Codewars, Free Code Camp,,, Code Conquest, Code Avengers, W3 Schools, Upskill, Pluralsight, Techasoft, etc. are some examples.

* Coding Bootcamps: Coding bootcamps provide coding training and enable coders to learn problem-solving for real-world challenges. They are great to learn coding within less time, and also with less money than required for a degree college. Also, online coding bootcamps can also save your time travel efforts. Bloc, Career Foundry, Code Institute, Coding DOJO, DevMountain, Flatiron School, Lambda School, Nucamp, NYC Data Science Academy, Skillcrush, Tech Academy, Thinkful, etc. provide online coding boot camps.

* Apps: There are also various Android and iOS mobile applications that teach you coding. Some applications through which you can learn coding include Encode, Enki, Grasshopper, Programming Hero, Programming Hub, CodeHub, SoloLearn, etc.

That’s it, friends, now you should have an understanding of coding, whether you want to learn it, and how you can learn it. So I suggest, you immediately begin if you are decided. All the best!

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